Here is a case study including a dispensing visit with Holly, our lead low vision technician. Mr. B is 50 years old and was referred by his ophthalmologist who is giving him anti-VEGF injections in each eye for wet macular degeneration. His low vision evaluation took place recently at our satellite office in Clarksville, Indiana (just across the river from Louisville) and the dispensing visit took place at our main office in Bloomington, Indiana.
With best glasses correction, Mr. B sees 20/300 in the right eye and 20/50 in the left eye. His goals are driving, reading, seeing his laptop computer, and overhead projections at work. I prescribed Ocutech Sport II bioptics for driving and seeing overheads, reading telescopic glasses for hands-free reading and using his laptop computer, and an Explore 12 portable video magnifier.
Additionally, we ordered an IRD (inherited retinal disease) genetic test kit at no additional charge to Mr. B and prescribed an evaluation with a Certified Driving Rehabilitation Specialist for him to obtain nighttime driving privileges. Of note, the telescopic glasses and video magnifier Holly dispensed to Mr. B are exactly the things she uses on a daily basis to help her function with Stargardt disease. So, she truly knows how to use these glasses and devices!