Low Vision Products & Services
Low vision is an optometry specialty focused on individuals with visual impairments that traditional glasses, contacts, or laser surgery cannot improve. Dr. Jarrod Long, our optometrist, has provided low vision products and services in Bloomington, IN since 1997. He and our team are proud to help patients improve their quality of life. Our goal is to help you see well enough so you can do your favorite things — read, drive, and so on. Our practice serves patients from across Indiana, Eastern Illinois, and Northern Kentucky communities.
We work with both patients and their loved ones to establish and achieve the patient’s goals. Our practice offers free phone consultations to determine if you or your loved one is a good candidate for low vision treatments. To speak with Dr. Long or a member of our staff, please give us a call at 812-332-3950 or toll-free at 877-577-2040

Low Vision Eye Exams
A medical eye examination concerns diagnosis and treatment of eye health conditions. A low vision exam is a little different— it focuses on functional vision limitations created by those conditions. Think of this analogy with ears: one doctor treats a patient for an ear infection (medical), but a different professional fits the patient with hearing aids (functional).
The low vision evaluation consists of:
- A history of medical eye conditions
- A formulation of the patients’ “wish list” or vision-related goals
- A measurement of vision using special eye charts
- A precise measurement of the regular eyeglass prescription
- Testing to see how magnification affects the level of vision
- Demonstrations of prescription glasses and devices to be sure goals are met

Common Glasses and Devices
Telescopic, Microscopic, & Prismatic Glasses
These devices are customized and integrated with the patient’s regular prescription glasses. They help with general vision loss, central, or peripheral loss. Because they’re mounted onto eyeglass lenses, they provide hands-free reading, computer vision, and television viewing. Patients often use them for driving when appropriate.
E-Scoop Glasses
E-Scoop glasses enhance everyday vision with special lenses and tints. Lenses are customized to patient preference and combined with the patient’s regular glasses prescription. They can even help with driving when appropriate.
Electronic, Video, & Other Adaptive Devices and Aids
These prescription aids provide the highest possible magnification available. In addition, they increase contrast to improve vision. Aids in this category are constantly evolving as technology improves.
Handheld, Traditional Magnifiers
These are not your run-of-the-mill magnifying glasses! We can provide the highest quality, state-of-the-art magnifiers with LED lights and other advanced features. These devices can be handy when glasses are not as convenient.
Non-Optical Visual, Tactile, Auditory, & Other Aids
We are proud to offer our patients the latest and greatest technology. Dr. Long can recommend special lamps, lights, talking devices, and more. Our doctor and staff stay up to date on training and education, allowing us to better assist our patients.
To receive more information about low vision products, our treatments, or to complete your free phone consultation, please contact us today at 812-332-3950 or toll-free at 877-577-2040.