Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services referred Jacob to Midwest Low Vision. Jacob is a high school senior with oculocutaneous Albinism and associated Amblyopia (more commonly known as a “lazy eye”). Oculocutaneous albinism and ocular albinism are genetic conditions causing the central retina, or macula, to underdevelop.
Like others born with albinism, Jacob adapted to his level of vision. However, Dr. Long worked with Jacob to figure out how to make visual tasks a little easier. Dr. Long prescribed a 4x magnifying Bioptic telescope for Jacob to use for distance details such as driving, seeing faces, or seeing the board at school. He proudly wears his bioptic glasses in the image to the left. In addition, Dr. Long prescribed a handheld electronic magnifier along with a dome magnifier to help him with reading and schoolwork. Jacob sits with these devices in the image below.

Jacob plans to go to college to be a music teacher. He feels like his “new technology will help [him] through life”. Above all, he believes his devices will give him the ability to impact others in positive ways.
Since his initial appointment, Jacob has learned to use his tools in the most effective ways. Currently, Jacob is on his way to get specialized training to drive with bioptics!
Dr. Long has helped hundreds of patients with various forms of albinism to see better with specialized low vision care.