Age, weather, level of vision, and other things to be mindful of…

It’s -9 degrees Fahrenheit (never mind the wind chill) and my sweet 107 year old patient had no problem beating me to the office this morning for low vision care

Often times when I speak with with family and caregivers of my potential patients I hear things like “but mom is 83 years old”. Or, “dad won’t want to make a trip that far to see you”. They often say “her vision is really, really poor,” or “he can’t spend that money,” or “[fill in the box].”

One of my roles as a low vision specialist is to see through all of that. I approach each case without bias or discrimination to get down to what really matters. My goal is to help my patients, or potential patients, understand that there is hope and possibility. No matter the circumstances, there may be a way that they can see to do what they want to be able to do!

I have patients of all ages from around the world. Some have levels of vision from 20/20 while others are well-beyond the “big E” on the eye chart. Simple magnifiers and special, custom tints can make big differences. So can more complex solutions like telescopic glasses with focusing caps or video/electronic devices.

Simply make the call to our office. I will talk with you directly to get specific, helpful information and see if it makes sense to schedule an appointment. It almost always does! We will go over important details such as costs, location, and what to bring to the appointment.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you, Dr. Long.

National Low Vision Meeting Summary

As one of the earliest members of the IALVS, Dr. Long attended his 7th annual meeting recently. Click here for a summary of speakers, topics, vendors, and other happenings at this exciting meeting!

What is different about a low vision exam?

In this video Dr. Long explains what you can expect during a low vision evaluation and what makes it different from other eye health examinations.  As you’ll see, the key difference is eye health versus functional vision.

During the low vision exam Dr. Long will help you formulate your “wish list” so there are specific goals to be addressed during the approximately hour-long appointment.

Take a look at this short video to learn more about what to expect and just why you might need more than one eye doctor!

A low vision patient reading with special glasses during the low vision exam


Meet Mary!

Mary has “rod achromatopsia.”  This is a condition you are born with characterized by a partial or total absence of color vision.  It also involves other problems with vision, like increased sensitivity to light and glare, involuntary back-and-forth eye movements (nystagmus), and significantly reduced sharpness of vision.

Mary at work with her glasses and low vision aids.

Mary was sent to Dr. Long through Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services to meet some vision-related goals.  After a thorough low vision evaluation, Dr. Long prescribed several low vision aids. Mary uses bioptic telescopic glasses, prismatic reading glasses, a “Ruby” electronic magnifier, and specially-tinted regular glasses and sunglasses. All of these devices help Mary work, read, and participate in her favorite activities. 

Mary had this to say about her experience with Midwest Low Vision:  

“My association with the low vision department at Long Family Eye Care has always been a positive and helpful experience.  My most recent visits introduced me to visual aids and glasses that enable me to function at the highest level possible with my visual impairment.  The extra time Dr. Jarrod Long and Casey spent with me was informative, kind, and life-changing.  Without question, the most current information and low vision assistance available.”

Thanks Mary! 

If you or a loved one could benefit from our services, like Mary, please contact us today for a free phone consultation.

New Office Location for Midwest Low Vision in New Albany area!

Thank you to Dr. Braaten for 12 good years of allowing Dr. Long to care for low vision patients in your New Albany office!

Now, since Dr. Braaten recently closed his practice, Midwest Low Vision has had to find a new home.  We are using the local vocational rehabilitation office at 1452 Vaxter Avenue in Clarksville, Indiana.  Click here for a link to a map of the location.  For those of you who have been waiting, we’ll see you soon!

Finally, we want to send out a special “thank you” to the staff and counselors at the rehabilitation services office for allowing us to use their office for low vision evaluations for anyone in need of help.

What is Low Vision?

In this video I define, in my own terms, what it means to have low vision. Low vision is a functional vision deficit. So, regardless of the measurement of your visual acuity (e.g. 20/60, 20/200, etc.) and any label (e.g. partially-sighted, legally blind) that has been placed on you, you have “low vision” if you cannot see to do what you would like to be able to do. Said another way, it’s vision that is insufficient to do what you want to do.

Thanks for watching !

Dr. W. Jarrod Long

Meet Jacob! Albinism and Low Vision.


Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services referred Jacob to Midwest Low Vision. Jacob is a high school senior with oculocutaneous Albinism and associated Amblyopia (more commonly known as a “lazy eye”). Oculocutaneous albinism and ocular albinism are genetic conditions causing the central retina, or macula, to underdevelop.

Like others born with albinism, Jacob adapted to his level of vision. However, Dr. Long worked with Jacob to figure out how to make visual tasks a little easier. Dr. Long prescribed a 4x magnifying Bioptic telescope for Jacob to use for distance details such as driving, seeing faces, or seeing the board at school. He proudly wears his bioptic glasses in the image to the left. In addition, Dr. Long prescribed a handheld electronic magnifier along with a dome magnifier to help him with reading and schoolwork. Jacob sits with these devices in the image below.

Jacob wearing his bioptic glasses and holding his Ruby video magnifier

Jacob plans to go to college to be a music teacher. He feels like his “new technology will help [him] through life”. Above all, he believes his devices will give him the ability to impact others in positive ways.

Since his initial appointment, Jacob has learned to use his tools in the most effective ways. Currently, Jacob is on his way to get specialized training to drive with bioptics!

Dr. Long has helped hundreds of patients with various forms of albinism to see better with specialized low vision care.


Welcome to our Midwest Low Vision Website!

Welcome to the Midwest Low Vision website! Take a look around and please visit the links to our social media pages (Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn) to learn the most updated information available about our practice, low vision services, and related eye and vision conditions.

Also, head directly to our Contact Us page to give us a call or the send an email message to Dr. Long.

We’re glad you found us and have an interest in helping yourself or someone you care for.


Dr. W. Jarrod Long